ATRC Help Documentation

Canvas Assign To block interface change

Ever since Palomar College started using Canvas, the “Assign To block” has been present at the bottom of the edit screen for anything that gets a grade. This includes assignments, quizzes, graded discussions… anywhere that faculty can set due dates and availability dates.

The classic "Assign To block" with fields for who work is assigned to, and dates for availability and due dates.

Starting on Saturday, July 20th, this interface in Canvas is changing. The functions remain the same, but rather than having the classic block display on the edit page, now there is a link to set the assign functions.

Showing the link to "Manage Assign To".

Clicking the “Manage Assign To” link opens up a side-bar with a slightly modified set of controls.

Sidebar view with interfaces on who has the work assigned, the due date and time, and availability from and until dates and times. Below is an "Add" button to add extra assignment blocks.

This new interface should make it easier to set the dates and times. The field showing who the work is assigned to works the same as the classic Assign To block, so that is unchanged.

A filled out version of the new Assign To block, with dates and times specified but still assigned to Everyone in the course.

Keep in mind that if you need to modify the dates on multiple assignments, you can still do so all in one place. Just follow the instructions from “How do I bulk update due dates and availability dates as an instructor?