ATRC Help Documentation

Calendar Aggregator Integration Process

Let’s Get Started

The Calendar Aggregator is an add-on in WordPress that leverages the functionality of The Events Calendar plugin. Here’s how to begin:

  1. Initiate a support request with ATRC Help and after searching the knowledge base, choose I still need to open a ticket.
    1. The subject line should read, “Calendar Activation and Aggregation Request”.
    2. Please provide the URL for the site in question and any other information in the description area.
    3. Choose “Academic Technology” for the department and “WordPress” for the product.
  2. After the Events Calendar is active on your website, you MUST:
    1. Create a new event marked with the “Main Calendar” category.
    2. Notify ATRC Help that you have done so by visiting ATRC Help and replying to the open help ticket.
  3. At this point your site’s calendar will be configured for import/aggregation and you will be notified.
  4. Finally, any event marked with the “Main Calendar” category will be pulled into the college’s main calendar.

Here are some guides you may find useful

  1. Overview for managing events
  2. Important Event Settings
  3. Creating Events
  4. Creating a Recurring Event
  5. Creating Venue and Organizer Pages