Before you begin, please login to the WordPress dashboard for the site you wish to update. After doing so, please follow these steps to add an item to the site menu:
Visit Appearance > Menus > Edit Menus > Select a menu to edit:
Locate the menu from the drop-down list (there might be only one menu.) The menu with “Site Menu” in parentheses is the main menu for the site. Once located, choose the “Select” button to edit the menu.
At left you will see a handful of item types that can be added to the menu, such as posts, pages, categories, custom links, or events (if the calendar plugin is active). Choose the item type by expanding its metabox.
In some cases, items can be checked and added to the menu.
For the custom link item, add the label text (for the user) and the URL (for the browser), then add it to the menu by choosing the “Add to Menu” button.
Locate the new menu item at the bottom of the list at right. Click + drag to position the new item.