How do I use the Zoom All Screens Mode for proctoring?

The All Screens Mode feature allows the host to request that all participants share their screens, providing the host with a scrollable, side-by-side view of each participant’s video feed and shared desktop. This feature enhances proctoring by allowing the host to simultaneously observe participants and their desktops for improved exam monitoring.

How to Use All Screens Mode

  1. Start a Meeting as Host
    Open your Zoom meeting and click the up arrow next to the “Share Screen” icon, located at the bottom center of the Zoom window.
  2. Select All Screen Mode
    Click “Start All Screens Mode.” Participants will receive a prompt to begin sharing their desktop.
  3. Continue or Cancel
    If using for proctoring, ensure “Allow participants to view shares” is unchecked to prevent participants from seeing each other’s screens. Click “Start” to proceed.
  4. Monitoring Participants
    Participants who begin sharing will be displayed side-by-side with their videos. You can scroll to see all participants.
  5. Stop All Screen Mode
    To stop the feature, click the “All Screens” indicator at the top left, then select “Stop All Screens Mode.” Participants can also stop sharing individually.

Multiple screens being shared in a Zoom meeting.

Enable “All Screens Mode” by Default

To set up “All Screens Mode” as the default for proctoring:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom Web Portal
  2. Go to Meeting Settings
  3. Under In Meeting (Basic) > Screen sharing, set:
    • Participants Sharing Simultaneously: Choose Multiple participants.
    • Enable All Screens Mode: This lets you view all participants’ screens side-by-side (requires Zoom 5.17.10+).
    • Who Can Share: Set to Host Only or All Participants as needed.

Zoom web portal meeting settings

Additional Questions

  • Can a co-host use All Screen Mode?
    Only the host can initiate All Screen Mode, but co-hosts can view shared screens.
  • What will students see?
    Students will only see their own screens with a green border indicating they are sharing.
  • How are dual monitors handled?
    If a participant is using dual monitors, the host will see both screens and can toggle between them.
  • Can All Screen Mode be used in breakout rooms?
    The All Screen Mode is currently not available for use within breakout rooms.


Ensure Zoom is updated to version 6.0 or higher. In the Zoom desktop client, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Share Screen’ to confirm that All Screens Mode is enabled. For specific guidance, refer to the using all screens mode in meetings article from Zoom Support.