We have discontinued the process of posting a system announcement in Canvas in favor of a new messaging tool available to us since Summer 2024. This new tool, called “Impact Messaging,” allows for targeted messages in Canvas to have better results.
Since this is no longer a “blast to everybody” situation, we don’t currently have a detailed form for you to fill out making the request. Instead we encourage you to open a ticket in the ATRC Help system, and let us know what message you want to distribute, what your intended audience is, and where in Canvas you’d like the message to appear. From there we can discuss any details around your message, such as time frames and what sort of metrics you’d like on who is seeing your message.
Please submit requests for messages well in advance of when you want them visible in Canvas. Again, this is a new messaging tool, so at first we expect to need at least a couple of weeks notice before messages can go live.