Getting Started with ATRC Help Documentation

Thank you for visiting the documentation site for the Palomar Academic Technology Resources Centers (ATRC). This is the home for guides for faculty and students using the products supported by the ATRC. We have tried to organize this material first based on the product (i.e. Canvas, Zoom, WordPress) and then by who might need the material (i.e. Students, Faculty). Often the material here will give a brief explanation and then refer you to official documentation by the makers of the various products, so keep in mind you may end up on a non-Palomar site eventually.

You may also want to visit the ATRC’s Frequently Asked Questions listing. Those questions are also organized by product, but sometimes the language used in the questions makes more sense than the labels on this documentation site. And if all else fails, you can always submit a ticket to the ATRC Help system if you can’t find the information you need on the sites.